Here is What You Need to Know About Drawing Tablet That Doesn’t Need a Computer

Whether you are a beginner in digital art or a professional artist, you might have wondered at a point if you can use a drawing tablet without a computer or not. That’s because the need to bring your laptop and drawing tablet both while traveling can be extremely troubling. So, if you are also facing a similar problem, here is some good news for you: you can now use the drawing tablet without a computer too.

Want to know more about the drawing tablet that doesn’t need a computer? Keep reading then. You will find everything you need to know below.

What Type of Drawing Tablets You Can Use without a Computer?

There are two types of drawing tablets that work without a computer. They ate standalone and android compatible drawing tablets. Let’s find out more about them below.

1. Standalone Drawing Tablets

When it comes to standalone drawing tablets, they have their own separate screen and all the required hardware that lets you draw on them without the need for any external devices. One of the most popular examples of these types of tablets is iPads. 

Apart from the iPad, there are numerous other tablets available in the market that fall under the same category too. What’s more, some of them are even more powerful than iPads. For this reason, they are perfect for art creation. 

However, there are a few things that you must know about the standalone drawing tablets though. First of all, they are a bit more expensive than the regular drawing tablets. Secondly, all the standalone drawing tablets are extremely different from each other. 

Some of them might allow you to download full-blown software such as Adobe Photoshop, Maya, Adobe Illustrator, Painter, etc on them. On the other hand, others will only let you install some specific apps on them just like a cell phone. 

To fully understand this concept, let’s talk about a detailed example here. For example, the main purpose of the iPad is to use as an entertainment unit. As a result, it does not have the necessary processing power or storage to run heavy software.

So, even though the tablet has some really incredible properties, it still lags a bit behind the regular drawing tablets. For this reason, you will not be able to download software like Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop on it.

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2. Android Compatible Drawing Tablets

If you are on a budget and don’t want to spend money on buying standalone tablets, then you should opt for android compatible drawing tablets. An android compatible tablet is another example of a drawing tablet that doesn’t need a computer.

The majority of the leading graphics tablet companies such as Veikk have realized the fact that artists need different options these days. For this reason, they have introduced a series of budget drawing tablets that are fully compatible with android devices. 

When you have these tablets, you can connect them directly to your cellphone that uses android as its operating system. One of the things that we really liked about these budget tablets is that they retain their properties when you use them with android devices. For example, you will get to use the pen pressure and the accuracy will remain the same too.

So, if you want to save some money, the android compatible drawing tablet is the best option out there for you. These tablets are not only extremely affordable but let you create professional work too. What more do you possibly want?

Why Should You Opt for a Drawing Tablet that Doesn’t Need a Computer?

Opting for a drawing tablet that does not require the assistance of a computer offers many benefits to the users. First of all, it comes with a pen-enabled screen. As a result, you will not have to enable the pen on the screen separately.

The next major benefit is that these tablets are portable. That’s because they do not require computers to work. So, you can carry them wherever you want. This is what makes them a convenient option. 

Last but not the least; they come with a built-in computer. This means that they have software and hardware of their own that totally matches the specifications of a PC. That’s why they are the favorite of everyone!

Final Words

In a nutshell, there are many drawing tablets that don’t need a computer. While some of them are expensive, some are extremely affordable too. So, it is up to you to decide which one you should opt for. For more information Visit Here.

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