World Social Media Day 2021 Quotes, Wishes, Poster, Images, and Messages to share

World Social Media Day 2021 Quotes, Wishes, Poster, Images, and Messages: World Social Media Day is celebrated every year on 30 June. The aim of this day is to aware people of the role of social media in connecting people from any part o the world. Social media is the only way we can talk to our relatives, friends, and our relatives sitting far away by connecting to the internet. And related to your studies, you can also send your emergency documents, photos through social media. There are many types of platforms in social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.

Celebrate this World Social Media Day by sending special Quotes, Wishes, Poster, Images, and Messages to your friends, relatives, or loved ones, Use these “World Social Media Day 2021 Quotes, Wishes, Poster, Images, and Messages” to greet and aware your friends, relatives and loved on this social media Day.

World Social Media Day Wishes, and Images

Let’s celebrate the day together and rejoice with the social media platforms. Happy Social Media Day!

Today is the day to celebrate the revolution of social media. Happy social media day.

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Messages and Poster

Create a hash- tag about a cause you care about and get your friends and classmates to know about it on this social media day. The more people you can get to know about it the bigger difference it will make an impact. Happy Social Media Day!

Create a petition to demand action about an issue you care about and encourage your friends to sign it on this Social Media Day. Happy Social Media Day!

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Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.

I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.

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