World Toilet Day 2021 Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster to Share

World Toilet Day 2021 Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster: World Toilet Day is celebrated every year on 19 November. In the year 2001, the celebration of this day was started by the World Toilet Organization. In 2013, it was officially declared World Toilet Day by the United Nations General Assembly. The day inspires people to tackle the sanitation crisis globally. According to the World Health Organization in 2015, about 2.4 billion people are living without adequate sanitation and one in ten people had no choice but to defecate in the open. According to the United Nations, the world’s estimated 2.5 billion people have enough access to Sanitation is not necessary and a billion global population suffers from open sanitation, more than half of them live in India.

On the occasion of World Toilet Day, aware people use Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster to make more people aware. So, this World Toilet Day, use these “World Toilet Day 2021 Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster to Share” to spread awareness among your friends, relatives, and loved ones. You can use these Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster to make more and more people aware through various social media platforms.

World Toilet Day 2021 Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Slogans, and Poster

Some people read while on the toilet… others learn to read because of a toilet.

May your life be like toilet paper, long and useful.

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I always have my best thoughts on the toilet.

The best thing in the morning is to read the newspaper on the toilet.

This day is a reminder of the need to reach out to those many people living in rural areas and help them build their toilets and bathrooms.

Without proper sanitation systems, there are a million ways in which diseases can spread and the motto of world toilet day is to discuss the ways in which these diseases can be dealt with.

2.5 billion people in the world do not have access to a toilet.

“As the world toilet day approaches we should keep it in mind to tell those people who are not aware of the various dangers of an ill-maintained sewage system.”

If you play horseshoes with a toilet seat. You might be a redneck.

As the world toilet day approaches we should keep it in mind to tell those people who are not aware of the various dangers of an ill-maintained sewage system.

There are many ways in which we can improve the sanitation systems in our localities and we should focus on that.

World toilet day brings to light the unfortunate ways many people in rural regions live.

World Toilet Day is all about teaching people how to manage their wastes so that they remain healthy and not get infected by diseases.

Men who consistently leave the toilet seat up secretly want women to get up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall in.

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone. For example, toilet paper.

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