World Consumer Rights Day 2022 Date, Theme, History, Significance, Importance, Celebration Activities, and More

World Consumer Rights Day 2022 Date, Theme, History, Significance, Importance, Celebration Activities: World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated every year on 15 March across the world. This day is celebrated to raise awareness about the rights and needs of the consumer. So that a customer/consumer can fight against fraud and social injustice against him/her

World Consumer Rights Day 2022 Theme

Fair Digital Finance

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The idea of ​​celebrating World Consumer Rights Day was inspired by the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy. On March 15, 1962, Kennedy sent a message to the US Congress, in which he formally addressed and explained the issue of consumer rights. The purpose of celebrating this is to make the consumers aware of hoarding, adulteration, irregularities in measurement, black marketing, charging arbitrary prices, selling without standard goods, cheating, not giving guarantees after the sale of goods.

Significance, Importance

The purpose of this celebration is to create awareness about the rights and needs of the consumer. So that we can fight against fraud and social injustice towards customers and consumers. In most countries, on this day, awareness campaigns are organized to make people aware of their rights, camps are organized at different places. Every year a different theme is chosen to celebrate this day. The foundation of the consumer movement was first laid in 1962 by the United States of America. Where this movement was run to make aware of the frauds against the rights of consumers and social injustice.

Celebration Activities, and More

The idea of ​​World Consumer Rights Day was given by President John F. Kennedy. On March 15, 1962, President John F. Kennedy raised the issue of consumer rights strongly in a formal address to the US Congress. John F Kennedy was the first world leader to talk about consumer rights. In this way, this movement went ahead in the direction of protection of consumer interests. On December 9, 1986, on the initiative of the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the Consumer Protection Bill was passed, which was implemented across the country after the President’s signature.

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