Happy Birthday Michael Phelps: Top Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Greetings, Images: Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985, in Baltimore, Maryland. Michael Phelps is an American swimmer and 22 Olympic gold medalists. At present, he has seven swimming world records to his name, even if he is called the Olympic Superman, it will be less. When he was seven years old, his father started sending him to swimming classes with his older sisters, but he was afraid of water, then after some time this same man was the King of Swimming, and the greatest Olympic swimming player to date, Michael Phelps. Known as. He used to practice the backstroke in the pool for hours. Gradually, he started enjoying swimming. With his hard work and constant practice, he broke almost all the national records of his age at the age of 10. Michael Phelps, the king of swimming and the greatest player of the Olympics to date, has 83 medals to his name, and most importantly, 28 of those medals he has won in the Olympics.
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Happy Birthday Michael Phelps: Top Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Greetings, Images
“Happy birthday to a special friend who will forever be my pal and who deserves the very best of everything today.” ― Happy BirthdayMichael Phelps
You deserve all the wonderful things that you are fighting for, and I know that the most beautiful of them are yet to head your way. Happy birthday, Michael Phelps!
Thank you for making my life meaningful. Happy Birthday to the most special person in my life!
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday, Michael Phelps!
Every birthday makes you wiser and more mature. Age is just a number but wisdom is a treasure! Happy birthday, Michael Phelps!
I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are. May all of your dreams come true. Thanks for being such a great friend. Happy birthday Michael Phelps!
Happy Birthday Michael Phelps! May God bless you with everything you desire. Many many happy returns of the day.
“Wish you the most enjoyable birthday today, because you are amazing as all the stars in the sky. Happy Birthday Michael Phelps”