Happy Farmers Day 2022 Messages In Telugu and Kannada, Greetings, Wishes, Images, Sayings, Quotes and SMS: In India every year 23 December is marked as Kisan Diwas to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chaudhary Charan Singh, the 5th Prime Minister of the Republic of India. Served as the 5th Prime Minister of India from July 28, 1979 to January 14, 1980. He also contributed to the upliftment of farmers in India. Farmers Day is celebrated every year with full enthusiasm in many states of India like Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. A farmer is such a laborer who is unhappy and helpless even after working hard. Today the most pathetic situation in India is that of the farmer. After the independence of the country, every situation improved, but there was no improvement in the farmer’s level. Talking about the origin of Kisan Diwas, the first Kisan Diwas was celebrated in 2001 by the Government of India in honor of Chaudhary Charan Singh’s contribution to the country. Farmers have been agitating for the last 28 days against the new agricultural laws of the central government. Meanwhile, on one hand, the whole country is celebrating ‘National Farmer’s Day’, on the other hand, the Bharatiya Kisan Union has announced that today we will not eat food for one time.
Use the below-given best Happy Farmers Day 2022 Messages In Telugu and Kannada, Greetings, Wishes, Images, Sayings, Quotes and SMS to greet your friends, relatives, and loved ones.
Happy Farmers Day 2022 Messages In Telugu and Kannada, Greetings, Wishes, Images, Sayings, Quotes and SMS
“Farmers are the real heroes because with their dedication and effort, the turn a barren land into a land that produces food…. Let us salute them on Farmer’s Day.”
“Let us take inspiration from Indian farmers who put their sweat and soul in their land and crop…. Best wishes on Farmer’s Day.”
We should never forget how important farming is and it’s magic by producing money from the mud.
“Farmer’s Day reminds us to take inspiration from hard working Indian farmers who never give up on their crop and work hard to grow it.”
Happy Farmers Day! Let’s dedicate this wonderful day to all the unspoken heroes of the country who produce harvest and provide food for us.