National Lobster Day in the US 2022: HD Images, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, and Captions: National Lobster Day is celebrated in the US every year. Lobster is the most exotic seafood available in the world. It is not just a day to eat lobsters, but also acknowledges the creatures that help maintain a delicate balance in coastal communities. Fishermen set special nets to catch live lobsters for us to eat as seafood eateries in the United States. Sure, it’s true, that not everyone loves seafood, but it’s also true, that it’s an untapped culinary treasure that you need to explore. Lobsters are considered a great dish in many places across the world. National Lobster Day celebrated in the United States is a step forward in this direction.
On National Lobster Day, people congratulate each other by sending HD Images, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, and Captions, and if you also want to wish your friends or Relatives, then here you are at the right place, here we have brought you “National Lobster Day in the US 2022: HD Images, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, and Captions” These HD Images, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, and Captions you can send to your friends and relatives to wish Them.
National Lobster Day in the US 2022: HD Images, Messages, Quotes, Sayings, and Captions
In the ocean, lobsters aren’t typically read. Rather they come in a wide range of colors from blue, to yellow and green, turning red only after being cooked.

Former President and First Lady George and Barbara Bush loved to eat lobster served up fresh at Mable’s restaurant in Kennebunkport, Maine.
In Colonial times lobster wasn’t so glamorous and was often fed to livestock such as goats and pigs

Lobster Day was established not only to celebrate this funky-looking crustacean but to celebrate and recognize the men and women who work in the industry, as well as the rich and storied history of the lobster’s ‘rags to riches’ heritage.

United States Senators Susan Collins and Angus King started the tradition of celebrating National Lobster Day.

Lobsters reproduce by laying lobster eggs. The eggs are carried by the female until they’re ready to hatch.
Historically, lobster was once fed to prisoners in New England due to their perceived low value and the generous lobster population at the time