Orthodox Christmas 2023 Quotes, Images, Messages, Greetings, Posters, and Wishes: Orthodox Christmas is celebrated every year on January 07, and many Christians around the world observe this special holiday. This date works with the Julian calendar which is a date earlier than the Gregorian calendar which is commonly observed. Known as the Orthodox Modified Julian Calendar. It is the most popular celebration day called Orthodox Christmas Day. Actually, this happens because of the difference between the Gregorian calendar, and the Julian calendar. The people of the West follow the Gregorian calendar. This calendar was started by Pope Gregory in 1582. However, some people in the Middle East still follow the Julian calendar. This calendar was started by Julius Caesar in 45 BC. There is also a difference in the way of celebrating according to different countries. In some places, people take a procession to the sea, river, lake and perform a ritual called blessing the water by digging a hole in the ice. The culture of gifting in these places is not given the same importance as it is given in other places.
As the Orthodox Christmas 2023 is being observed today, use here given Quotes, Images, Messages, Greetings, Posters, and Wishes To share with your friends, relatives, and loved ones’ circle.
Orthodox Christmas 2023 Quotes, Images, Messages, Greetings, Posters, and Wishes
“On the occasion of Christmas, I wish that many more blessings come our way this festive season. Wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone.”
Today we get a Gift for which we didn’t ask; – So allowed us to offer philanthropy to the people who ask and beseech us.
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Christmas is the time for prayers, sing carols and read bible. It’s time to recollect and walk on the righteous path laid by the God.
May the lord bless your with peace, love and joy. May he give you the wisdom to see the light of truth. Merry Christmas.
He Who was the Lawgiver became a reader, and He took the Book in the synagogue, and read, saying, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, therefore He has anointed Me, and has sent Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. Merry Christmas.